Saturday, March 17, 2007

Countdown to ruining Mary Marvel begins

Adhesive latex accentuating the headlights and a micro-skirt that would embarrass Supergirl to be seen in.
Countdown Solicit - Mary Marvel
That outfit is what DC is having Mary Marvel (the avatar of good magic, the last hold-out of purity and a strong female character who as far as I know hasn't been raped yet) wear in the upcoming Countdown series. Okay, Mary is probably possessed by the evil baddie Eclipso or something when she dons the sexy plastic and engages in semi-public electro-stimulation of her secondary sex organs, but when all the thud and blunder is over with after her Seduction of the Innocent story I would bet that Mary decides to opt for a fashionable "costume update" that won't be as as innocently wholesome as her usual Shazam-wear. Mary Marvel has a long and distinguished history stretching back to the Golden Age of Comics of not showing off the goodies primarily because her character is not defined solely by her sexuality.



  1. No. Just... no.

    Jeez, Louise, DC!


    Now I have to go and watch that "Girls Night Out" episode of Superman TAS (or was it Batman?) to wash the stench of over-sexified teenage super-heroes out of my skull.

  2. Whoa. The Wizard Shazam was quite the dirty old bird, wasn't he?

  3. Sorry Slee, but Mary got sexually assalted ages ago, in the heavy handed PSA Supergirl Plus, in order for Peter David to pontificate on the nature of policemen groping teenage girls.

    And "a micro-skirt that would embarrass Supergirl to be seen in"? What, you mean one that was too long for her?

  4. What the hell, PAD?

    Oh, hell no. The Superboy punch erased that from continuity. Yeah.

  5. I choose to assume that this is "Mistress Mary Marvel" from JLA Classified #8. There, DC, I've given you an out. Take it. Please.

    BTW, Marionette, as I read that "Supergirl Plus" story, it was more of a Rashomon thing, where Mary felt that she was going to be sexually assaulted because she didn't know the context of the encounter -- and the policeman's conduct would have made more sense if he had caught the shoplifter he thought he had, instead of poor Mary Batson.

    Mind you, I didn't like the story, but I think saying "Mary got sexually assaulted" isn't quite accurate.

  6. This is wrong. Heck even Guy Gardner apologized when he pinched her behind.

  7. Don't forget that she's taking 'lighting' in the chest AND has a "ok, now try four fingers" face (or as some other places would call, "pornface")

  8. This is just wrong. Granted, I thought Mary was quite the cutie-patootie when I was 7, but it was an innocent infatuation (I didn't know what sex *was* at that time). This is a massive betrayal of the character's 60 year history and takes away what makes her special.

  9. Mary Marvel is not supposed to be sexy. Cute yes, adorable yes, a cutie-patootie indeed.

  10. Must... get... more copies... of Jeff Smith's Monster Society book. With its adorably cute, completely non-sexualized Mary, it's the only thing that will wash that picture from my brain now.

  11. In that awful PADcrap I'm pretty certain Mary says she was actually assaulted.

  12. Anonymous, you call THAT pornface? Apparently you've never seen the recent work of one Greg Land.

    If I were you all, I'd wait for the interiors before working myself into a lather. Who's handling the interiors? If it's somebody like, say, Peter Snejberg or Michael Lark, chances are you've got nothing to worry about. This may be a classic case of "don't judge a book by its cover".

  13. She wasn't violated if that's what you mean but the indication that she was definitely touched inappropriately. I mean the cop weeping in the back of the car kinda sealed the guilt at the end of the issue.

    PAD still needs to be smacked for that.

  14. notintheface may be correct but, c'mon, it's DC. Who are you kidding?

  15. Well, at least she did'nt get Power Girl's auto inflatable boobs...those boobs and that costume, now thats scary....or WW's Camel Toe....(ewwwwwwwwww)

    I rather like the goth look..."cheeky"....skimpy...and if Mary were in her 20's I'd go......but as a teen's a bit over the top!

  16. Well, now the "Good" Mary is back, with an even more demure costume, the white dress but with long sleeves and gold cuffs. Also the lighting bolt is...gray?

    I posted the picture from Countdown #10 here

  17. The gray bolt shows that she is no longer "pure".


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