Thursday, March 08, 2007

Where's the media blitz? The speculators? The fan frenzy?

Captain America didn't die in just issue #25 of his own title this month. The Sentinel of Liberty also met a particularly horrible end by death-plague in Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness #1.
Zombie Cap
No fan and speculator frenzy was observed, not a peep about it out of CNN or Faux News. No ridiculously inflated internet auctions were spotted, either.

You'd think that a story about the very symbol of America being subverted and changed into a rapacious monster would have gotten a bit more press than it did.



  1. "You'd think that a story about the very symbol of America being subverted and changed into a rapacious monster would have gotten a bit more press than it did."

    It's like it's happened so much that no one cares anymore...

  2. That wasn't Captin America. It was COLONEL America. We as a nation hate that guy, and are, frankly, glad he's dead.

  3. "Do you think this A on my head stands for 'Aaarrrgghhh, feels like...blood...burrrrrrning...boilllllling--'?"

  4. "Do you think this A on my head stands for Acquiescence? Oh, wait. I guess it does..."


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