Saturday, August 18, 2007

Won't You Take Me To...FLICKER TOWN!

No vocals from Caroline (Joy) Ellis in this seizure-inducing Broadway musical-inspired clip from the hated Gang of Four, but she gets plenty of solo camera time and is portrayed at her most innocent and sexy-cutest.
Joy takes us to Flicker Town
Click the picture and prepare to swallow your tongue in a fit of JOY!

Take notice of where the production staff wisely places Caroline in F/X silhouette when she does some high kicks during her dance number, thereby ensuring that the young boys of the early 1970s did not have their brains explode from the onslaught of confusing, oogy emotions they were not yet mature enough to deal with.



  1. Well, now I know why they call it "Flicker Town." (My EYES!!!) But Caroline is indeed a cutie-pie. She had kind of a Ruby Keeler thing going on... that same kind of innocent, almost sexless charm. (Also, somebody needs to appropriate those images for an iPod parody, STAT.)

  2. I guess that great minds think alike. Caroline Ellis as the Bugaloo Joy is extra flower-power granola trippy!

  3. "...the onslaught of confusing, oogy emotions they were not yet mature enough to deal with..."

    It was true back then, and my dear god, it's even more true today. I am overcome with confused admiration.

  4. >RAB said...
    "...the onslaught of confusing, oogy emotions they were not yet mature enough to deal with..."

    It was true back then, and my dear god, it's even more true today. I am overcome with confused admiration.<

    I have a hard-on too.

  5. Leave it to Percy not to use a euphemism like everyone else.


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