Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Here's how I recently ended a discussion* with a co-worker who stated she didn't like music by the Divinyls and preferred other 1980s New Wave bands.
"You're an idiot! Christina Amphlett has enough wild talent to incorporate 1950s science fiction movie sound effects into her vocalizations by creating Techno-Scat! Amphlett didn't imitate the usual jazz instruments like traditional Scat artists. Instead she imitated Hollywood's classic representations of alien machinery, lab equipment and suspenseful scene background music and made it all part of the song, effortlessly inserting the unique vocals as emphasis on different words in each verse. Face it, with one tune Amphlett managed to completely humiliate the entire output all those other Road Warrior-inspired novelty acts! How did Dale Bozzio give her singing a New Wave edge? By dressing like Max Headroom in drag and imitating a robot with the hiccups!"
Here's the proof that Christina rules over all others.


Science Fiction - Divinyls (1983)

* Actually, she got in the last words, which were "Whatever. F***k you!" Still, a win is a win in my book.


  1. I disagree. Anyway, why do you have to dig on Dale Bozzio to try to make your point on Amphlett? If your case on Amplett is strong enough, you shouldn't need to do that.
    Dale rocks. Point established.

  2. Bozzio was with Divinyls too?

    Without googling, I always forget which Bozzio is which. The man and the woman both have androynous names.

  3. Of the four women from the Eighties who sang a pop song about masturbation, Divinyls-lady is EASILY in the top three. Except it was in 1991. But 1991 in Australia is 1986 in the U.S. according to the standard-pop-culture-variance equation.

  4. 4? Divinyls, Cyndi Lauper (She Bop) who else?

  5. I was thinking of Sheena Easton and Kate Bush. If you include lyrics about men masturbating, "Eat to the Beat" counts too.


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