Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Unauthorized Sexual Intercourse bill

Well this is neat. America just keeps de-evolving. A political brain-trust in Indiana is drafting a bill to require marriage as a prerequisite for motherhood. I can't help but think that all the wingnut attempts by the woo-woo's over the last few years are the frenzied attempts to keep the old-and-busted ways from getting annihilated from the pressures of reality.
Republican lawmakers are drafting new legislation that will make
marriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana,
including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who do
become pregnant "by means other than sexual intercourse."
The author of the blog nails it:
Considering the plans to dump Roe vs Wade and ban Plan B, this is essentially an Unauthorized Sexual Intercourse bill.

But the most exciting element is that this could be another big step toward educating American women that their bodies are the property of the state, who shall be the sole determinant of how their organs of generation shall be utilized, to what end, and by whom.

But wait, there is more! Look at some of what you have to certify under the new eugenics plan!

(6) Personal information about each intended parent, including the following:

(A) Family of origin.

(B) Values.

(C) Relationships.

(D) Education.

(E) Employment and income.

(F) Hobbies and talents.

(G) Physical description, including the general health of the individual.

(H) Birth verification.

(I) Personality description, including the strengths and weaknesses of each intended parent.

(7) Description of any children residing in the intended parents' home.

(8) A verification and evaluation of the intended parents' marital relationship, including:

(A) the shared values and interests between the individuals;

(B) the manner in which conflict between the individuals is resolved; and

(C) a history of the intended parents' relationship.

(9) Documentation of the dissolution of any prior marriage and an assessment of the impact of the prior marriage on the intended parents' relationship.

(10) A description of the family lifestyle of the intended parents, include a description of individual participation in faith-based or church activities, hobbies, and other interests.

(11) The intended parents' child rearing expectations and values.

(12) A description of the home and community, including verification of the safety and security of the home.

I particularly enjoy the mention of 'values', 'description of the family lifestyle' and 'faith-based or church activities'.

Take notice that the stigma of being born out of wedlock is being resurrected. Me, I always found that the celebration of a human being born was much more important than the cultural expectations of the circumstances of conception, but then I'm a glass-is-half-full kind of guy.

Hmmm...I wonder just who this bill is targeting?


  1. Stupidity is a universal virtue. Come to India and you'll realise it!

  2. So glad I live in Canada even with our turn towards this sort of thing in a few regions. Still not at this level yet.

  3. It's both anti-choice and anti-gay. Just about every provision is designed to make sure that any non-hetero or non-traditional couples do not have the same rights as everyone else IN SPITE OF constitutional or legistlative freedoms.

    Just some end-run shenannigans by the wingnuts as they lose ground everywhere else.

  4. So what happens if a woman in a traditional marriage gets divorced? Is she then prosecuted?

  5. If Xians have their way she will. Or rather, Divorce will not be allowed and have a horrible, generational ripple effect of negativity like in the old days.


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