In the 2005 Marvel Holiday Special, tragic events lead a young woman (named Virginia, of course) to turn a malfunctioning spare Ultron body into a murderous Santa-bot bent on killing the New Avengers. Inevitably, Captain America gets an opportunity to make a Christmas speech.
In reminding Virginia (and the readers) of the true meaning of the holiday, Captain America restores to the former slave of Ultron some Christmas faith. It's a warm sentiment that hope, kindness and promise still exists in the world. It's a real feel-good moment for the gang. Meanwhile, Wolverine grins maniacally and flashes his razor-sharp, yard-long indestructible claws.
"Here's yer present! Defenestration!"
Yeah, good old Wolvie.
His Hair is Straight-Up Frozen in Place
9 hours ago
Did Luke Cage get to shout "Sweet Christmas"? Because that would rock.
ReplyDelete"Here's yer present! Defenestration!"
ReplyDeletehe's going to throw me out a window?
- housepig