Thursday, January 26, 2006

Things I missed....but shouldn't have

My unquenchable hate for all things He-Man made me miss this awesome DOOMCOPTER!

Somehow, I completely overlooked this incredible Monkey Nazi cover from Weird War #89. I am ashamed.

I bought this for a friend's kid, and then realized I should have looked at it earlier because I missed out on the opportunity for juvenile humor.


  1. That Storm costume redesign reminds me of when they used The New Teen Titans in a drug awareness PDA comic and put Starfire in a body-covering one-piece costume.

    Here's a thought: if you want to merchandise a female superhero to a younger audience (which is a very, very good idea, so I'm not blaming them for doing so), why not create and publish a female superhero that you don't have to pretend doesn't show off skin in her usual appearances?

    All that said: Arana and Spider-Girl could both fill that bill.

  2. Ooooh, lady that's my FLYING GLOW-IN THE-DARK skull!


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